Can I Upload Data Other Than E-Commerce?

how to upload non eCommerce sales data into the GST Online Seller tool

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2 months ago

Written by GST Tool Team

Absolutely! You can upload sales data into the GST Online Seller tool even if it’s not related to e-commerce. Here’s how you can do it:

Option 1: GSTR-1 Government Excel

If you're using accounting software that generates your GSTR-1 data in the government’s Excel format, you can directly upload this file to the GSTR-1 Excel platform section on our site. Even if you’re not using any software but know how to prepare a GSTR-1 file, you can download a GSTR-1 sample from our site, fill in your data, and upload it.

GSTR 1 Excel Upload

Option 2: Custom Excel

We also offer a Custom Excel option for those who prefer to add invoices without using any software. To use this feature, download the custom Excel file and input all your invoices in the format provided in the sample file. Once you’ve completed the file, upload it to the Custom Excel section on the upload page.

Custom Excel Upload

Important Note:

  • Do not change the column header names.
  • Make sure to use the date format as shown in the sample to avoid any upload errors.

Following these guidelines will help ensure your data uploads smoothly and without issues.

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